Thursday, July 29, 2010

Caregiving 2.0, or just plain nosey? Is web based monitoring just what the doctor ordered?

This is a decently curious article. Ultimately, yes, I'm thinking of Mummi, and others who, even if from afar, move day by day wondering how to care for, and support our loved ones who have mental or physical impairments keeping them from full self-sufficiency in an environment, that is less mindful than it should be, to physical and mental differences among people.

Check it out. ireminder sounds, well, expensive, but two, like a step in some direction for caregivers to our loved ones with mental illnesses. Perhaps.

Though I'm nearly certain Mummi wouldn't be thrilled to know that her weight was being calculated by sensors under the rug. Though (this time) when she would mention it, no one would wonder if she was experiencing... an "episode"...

Click on the link to follow: Monitoring Elderly Parents -

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